
An exhibition of experimental Ukrainian and Polish photography at the FF Gallery, Imaginarium and the New Gallery in Łódź. There were also works by Polish artists including Wojciech Prażmowski, Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Jerzy Lewczyński and the Łódź Kaliska group. The exhibition can be seen in three galleries: FF, Imaginarium, and Galeria Nowa in Łódź until 15 December 2018.

Photography of the beginning of the century and its continuators

The exhibition shows the works of more than 30 Ukrainian photographers such as: Henryk Mikolasch, Jan Neuman, Aleksander Krzywobłocki, Władysław Bednarczuk. The artists presented works from the interwar period in so-called experimental photography, showing everyday life.

In addition to 20th-century photographers, the exhibition also features the younger generation of artists led by Roman Huk, Oleg Voronko, Anastasia Starko. It was the latter who, inspired by media art and the works of the old masters, decided that both Polish and Ukrainian art should not divide but unite generations.

Sources: FF Gallery, New Gallery, Imaginarium Gallery, ZPAF

Added 2018-11-23 in by Małgorzata Giermaz

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