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About the department

About the department of sculpture

Sculpture is one of the classic fine arts, which differs from painting and painting mainly because of its three-dimensionality. It is one of the oldest fields of art, and its beginnings date back to the times when people were still tribes scattered around the globe. Sculpture as art in its main idea remained unchanged, but the motifs that dominated over the years changed very often.

In the context of modern times, the appearance of sculptures in the public space of Polish cities - both larger and smaller - is particularly interesting. This is a fascinating phenomenon because the place of art was usually in museums, auction houses or private collections. Thanks to this, many more people gain the opportunity to come into contact with art, even through a simple walk along the paths of a nearby park. One of the perfect examples of the presence of sculpture in public space is the work Nierozpoznani by Magdalena Abakanowicz, which is located in Poznań's Cytadela Park.

Sculpture auctions

The Sculpture Department was created to promote Polish sculpture artists by organizing auctions. You can get to know and buy their unique artworks there.

We have already had the pleasure of exhibiting artworks by such artists as: Igor Mitoraj, Katarzyna Kobro, Bolesław Biegas, Bronisław Chromy, Adam Myjak, Paweł Orłowski, Tomasz Górnicki and Katarzyna Bułka-Matłacz.

Our offer also includes works by recognized artists who have only recently started their adventure with sculpture, e.g. Rafał Olbiński or Tomasz Sętowski.

Our auction house is fully open to cooperation with people who want to share their art with the world.

Sculptural artworks are an increasingly popular decorative element of houses and flats, outdoor sculptures often appear in private gardens and public spaces. If you appreciate the value of sculptures made on the basis of designs by contemporary artists, you are looking for a sculpture by a well-known sculptor or you undertake sculptures and would like to sell your artworks, be sure to visit the Artbidy auction house and contact our sculpture department.

What are the different types of sculpture?

A sculpture can be classified based on several properties: material from which it was made, texture, color and scale (miniature and monumental sculptures). Nowadays, modern sculpture dominates, which does not depict specific people or objects, but tries to reflect certain feelings, phenomena, behaviors or address socially significant problems.

Sculptures are divided according to their shape into full sculptures and bas-reliefs, the so-called reliefs. There is also a distinction between free-standing or group sculptures - such sculptures depicted figures in their entirety, heads or busts, this category also includes a monumental sculpture. A separate category is zoomorphic sculptures, depicting real or fantastic animals. One can also distinguish the trend of creating sculptures depicting floral elements and abstract sculptural forms. Each of the sculptures - decorative or architectural sculptures - can be made using various techniques. Many of them are also available in the Artbidy gallery.

Stone sculpture

Stone is one of the oldest sculptural raw materials. Stone sculptures are most often made of marble or sandstone, and for some stone sculptures, artists also use a clay cast. From the beginning of sculpture, artists have appreciated stone as a sculptural raw material, because it allows you to show a given figure or object three-dimensionally and highlight many details that will give the work a natural look. Among the most famous stone sculptures, one can mention, for example, the well-known sculpture "Venus de Milo" and the sculpture "David" by Michelangelo, gaining recognition in the Baroque period. Especially among larger sculptures, stone was used: monument sculpture and portrait sculpture made of stone used to be used primarily to immortalize famous people.

Monumental sculpture

Monumental sculptures adorn streets and squares all over the world. They usually depict a person or a group of people with attributes, in epoch-making clothes. A monumental sculpture is very often a work presenting historical figures with elements that accompanied them during their lives (professional attributes, instruments, animals or plants). One of the examples of a monumental sculpture can be the sculpture of John Paul II, located in the underground of the Wieliczka Salt Mine.

Portrait sculpture

The first portrait sculptures were created in ancient Rome and Greece - they showed a human face, they were especially popular at magnate courts. They spread especially among wealthy families and rulers. In the category of portrait sculptures, a rich group includes tomb sculptures, as well as sculptures in the type of Roman portraits, in which the artists wanted to reproduce the facial features and emotions of the portrayed person as faithfully as possible.

Where to buy sculptures?

In addition to websites, sculptures can be purchased in art galleries. There are also many shops with sculptures for sale, although these are more small gifts, not monumental sculptures that can be placed in the living room or garden (e.g. in municipal sculpture parks).

There are many opportunities to both purchase sculptures and auction many already completed sculpture projects. There are many ways to do this - you just need to choose the way that suits your preferences. If you feel better on the Internet and you are familiar with auctions, use professional websites and offers of auction houses, such as Artbidy - it is a solution that ensures security and anonymity.

Where can you exhibit your sculptures?

In the past, to see cult sculptures (e.g. statues of Polish kings), be able to admire ancient sculpture, trace the development of sculpture on examples (from ancient sculpture, through the process of creating sculptures in subsequent eras: late Baroque Roman sculpture, examples of 16th-century sculpture and 18th-century sculpture century and subsequent epochs, up to Polish contemporary sculpture) or to see a famous painting, you had to go to a gallery or museum.

Now, thanks to technological developments, there are more ways to share your art - or sculpture designs - with a wider audience: through channels such as your own blog, website or even social media.

There are also online galleries and auction houses, such as Artbidy.

Where to sell sculptures?

Today, it is not enough to just make sculptures, you also need to know where to exhibit them, where to sell them and how to do it. Fortunately, today we have much greater access to technology, thanks to which the art of sculpture also finds its buyers. All you need is a bit of will and time.

In addition to the traditional form of selling smaller and larger sculptures through the auction house, there is also another way. Selling a decorative sculpture nowadays is extremely easy, mainly thanks to the Internet access. Auction houses such as Artbidy offer, among others:.

  • french sculpture,
  • greek sculptures,
  • roman sculpture,
  • collections of antique sculptures, including: Egyptian sculpture, cult sculptures known from pop culture,
  • modern sculpture, including: contemporary Polish sculpture,
  • collections of sculptures made by local small artists,
  • portrait sculpture (also: figural sculpture),
  • priceless copies of the cult prehistoric sculpture.

How to legally sell sculptures?

From 2018, it is possible to run a business without the obligation to register it. This form can be chosen by people whose monthly income from the sale of handicrafts (e.g. contemporary sculpture) does not exceed 50% of the minimum wage.

However, if you do not sell continuously, you do not need to set up a business, and the sale of each of your works will be subject to income tax - unless you have been in possession of the work for more than 6 months: then you do not have to pay income tax.

You can also use the help of the Artbidy auction house.

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