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Since the dawn of time, art has tried to show the invisible, to describe the indescribable. Through art, we can learn about history, try to feel the situation of our ancestors. Analysing historical events, we can at certain moments come to the conclusion that something similar has already taken place.

Painting by Gierymski

"Insurgent Patrol" shows a tense moment from the January Uprising (post-partition Poland). Interestingly, the moment is set amidst a beautifully painted, peaceful landscape (from Mazovia, Podlasie?). To see the great emotion in the scene, one has to look at the details. The eponymous patrol of insurgents, a troop of mounted Poles, notices Russian soldiers approaching towards them. The rider closest to the viewer has his back turned to the direction of the ride - he seems to be looking nervously over his shoulder. Two others look agitated by the sudden change in the situation. The fourth insurgent is leaving in a hurry to inform his companions who are barely visible on the horizon. Among the soldiers there is a peasant crossing the road. One could add, in contemporary terms, an unarmed civilian. He, too, is looking towards the approaching Russian soldiers.


Maksymilian Gierymski used a very interesting trick when painting this picture: the Russian soldiers were hidden from the viewer, it would seem that emotions are the main character of the painting. It is worth considering whether it is a surprise, a momentary tension, or whether someone in this painting is afraid. The amazing thing about art is that everyone experiencing the same work can have a different reflection. The exact realities, clothing or events can be very distant to us. Nevertheless, we can feel that we are feeling the same thing in the present moment. How is it in your case?

List of organisations in Poland collecting money to support Ukraine and its citizens:

In recent days, Poles have been trying en masse to help people fleeing war. Almost the whole world is nervously glancing over their shoulders at Russian soldiers just like the patrol in Gierymski's painting. This is a list of some verified collections for the invaded Ukraine:


*Fundacja, contributions can be made at: (page in English)

*UNICEF, contributions can be made at: (page in English)

*Polska Akcja Humanitarna, contributions can be made at: (page in English)

*Caritas, contributions can be made at: (page only in Polish)

*Polska Misja Medyczna, contributions can be made to account number: 62 1240 2294 1111 0000 3718 5444 with the title UKRAINA. 

*Zbiórki na i, contributions can be made at: / / (page only in Polish)

*Fundacja Avalon, contributions can be made at: (page only in Polish)

*Polski Czerwony Krzyż, payments can be made to account number: 16 1160 2202 0000 0002 7718 3060 with the note UKRAINA.

*Polskie Centrum Pomocy Międzynarodowej, contributions can be made at: (page only in Polish)

Added 2022-02-28 in by Alicja Graczyk

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