Andrzej Sajewski
First and last name
Andrzej Sajewski
Date of birth
1957, Czestochowa

Andrzej Sajewski is a Polish artist. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in professor Niekrasz's studio. He created his first paintings in the magic realism trend. The artist is inspired by music, he paints while listening to the music of such artists as Emerson Lake & Palmer, Pink Floyd, Archive, Dead Can Dance, among others. He also draws inspiration from the literature of Ken Kesey, Gabriel Marquez, Umberto Ecco. The artist's works are distinguished by professional technique, original artistic vision, and diversity. His most common painting technique is oil on canvas and glazing. His works can be found in collections in the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and many other countries. For the last few years he has been intensively developing his artistic career.
