Ewa Gola
First and last name
Ewa Gola
Date of birth
1997, Szczecin

Ewa Gola completed her Bachelor's (2020) and Master's (2023) studies with honours at the Faculty of Painting of the Szczecin Academy of Art. In addition to painting, she also works in drawing, computer illustration and sculpture. In her works, she explores the problems of generations Y, Z and Alpha. She uses various means of painterly expression, combining them with figuration, which harmonises with her oneiric artistic style. In her paintings, one can see both the strong influence of biomorphism on the attitude of the surrounding world.


2023, 100th anniversary of the death of M.Bohl, Neuköllner Salon e. V., Berlin, Germany 
2023, MEMEStimo, solo exhibition, Kuckenmulle/Kurzy Młyn Szczecin, Poland
2023, Critical Mass, Oblatów4, Katowice, Poland 
2023, End Perspectives, Zona Gallery, Szczecin, Poland 
2024, In the Cloud, solo exhibition, Delta Club Gallery, Szczecin, Poland
2024, Dying, Jan Tarasin Art Gallery, Kalisz, Poland 
