Jacopo della Quercia
First and last name
Jacopo della Quercia
Date of birth
1367, Quercegrossa
Date of death
1438, Siena

Jacopo della Quercia właśc Jacopo di Pietro was an Italian artist. In 1401 he participated in a competition for the doors of the Florentine baptistery. He was active at the same time as Ghiberti, but differed in the way he drew on the heritage of antiquity. While in Ghiberti's work the figures are like elements of the landscape and allude to the International Gothic through their flaccidity, della Quercia's massive and athletic figures fill the entire field of the composition and stand out from the background with strong contours. His most important work is the bas-reliefs adorning the main portal of the Basilica of St Petronius in Bologna, executed 1430-1434, depicting biblical scenes.

