As a teenager, John Distefano was already part of the local art community where he was mainly active in music and painting.
His most important musical project was the band Good Morning Finch, with whom he wrote and released 3 albums:
2011: 40 years ago (self-produced);
2013: Cosmonaut (Pinmusic, Germany);
2015: Gemini (Waves for the Masses, Italy).
In April 2020, his debut book of poetry ‘Febbraio’ was published by the Italian publishing house ‘Libeccio editore’ (Livorno) .
He currently lives in Wrocław and focuses on abstract painting.
Recent exhibitions featuring his work are:
‘Panoptykon’ at Kawalerka (Wrocław);
‘Abstract Collection’ at tattoo studio (Wrocław);
‘Disorder’ at Kawalerka (Wrocław);
‘The Secret Sea’ in Surowiec (Wrocław).