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Julia Śliwka
First and last name
Julia Śliwka
Date of birth
1998, Wrocław

Julia Śliwka enjoys mixed art forms. She has always used a variety of tools to express the content of her emotions. Each tool has something different to offer her. With her paintings, she tries to express her emotions through appropriate colour work. Photography, on the other hand, gives her the opportunity to work in the here and now and to see the transience of moments.  In my everyday life, I work with architecture, photography and painting. She enjoys the freedom of expression of each of these three art forms. 

In 2023, she was awarded a distinction for her work ‘Study of Light I - Initial State’ in the XXVIII National Photography Competition ‘PORTRET’. 
In 2024, she was honoured for her work ‘The Alien’ in the Black and White Photo Award in the Single Indoor Photography/ Studio category. 
