Konrad Turbaczewski
First and last name
Konrad Turbaczewski
Date of birth
1978, Szczecin

Konrad Turbaczewski is an artist connected to Szczecin, where he lives and works. A graduate of the European School of Film and Photography, after which he took up advertising photography. 

He continued his career in London, where he worked with some of the world's biggest brands, honing his skills in creating world-class product photography. After returning to Szczecin, he became involved in building innovative solutions for a photography studio specialising in mass product photography. To this day, the artist still creates creative photography for clients from all over the world.

As Turbaczewski himself comments on his work: ‘Photography, although undeniably a powerful medium, imposes certain limitations on the mode of artistic expression. For me, working with materials such as clay, plaster or paint opens the door to a much wider spectrum of creative possibilities. My work becomes decidedly deeper and more multidimensional than photography alone. I want my work not only to inspire and surprise viewers, but also to provoke reflection on the existing dualities in our society. I want to show that even seemingly contradictory worlds can coexist harmoniously in a single work of art. These worlds are not just based on simple contrasts, such as good versus evil, or beauty versus ugliness. My work also explores more subtle oppositions, such as chaos versus harmony, tradition versus modernity or nature versus technology. The main medium of my expression is unique ‘collages of images’, composed from materials recovered from the environment, which allows me to show a wealth of diverse perspectives on the world.’
