Teresa Pągowska-Tomaszewska
First and last name
Teresa Pągowska-Tomaszewska
Date of birth
1926, Warsaw
Date of death
2007, Warsaw

A Polish illustrator and painter, representative of easel and monumental painting. In 1951 she graduated from the State Higher School of Fine Arts in Poznań (today’s University of the Arts). From 1982 she was a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Initially associated with socialist realism, she quickly abandoned this aesthetics, and developed a neofigurative style. Paintings depicting deformed, anonymous figures, often in erotic, dynamic poses, were created. Pągowska-Tomaszewska’s art from the 1960s is characterised by colour expression, visible in contrastive spots. In 2000 awarded the prestigious Jan Cybis Award. The author of series “Dni,” “Monochromaty,” “Figury magiczne.”
