Tomasz Alen Kopera
First and last name
Tomasz Alen Kopera
Date of birth
1976, Kożuchów

Tomasz Alen Kopera is a Polish painter, representative of magic realism. He obtained a diploma in construction engineering at the Wrocław University of Technology. Kopera paints in oil on canvas. He is inspired by human nature and the mystery of the universe. His paintings are full of symbolism, which often refers to the human psyche and man's relationship with the surrounding world. His paintings are characterized by darkness and mystery. The artist is appreciated for his focus on detail and brilliant use of color. "In my works I try to reach the subconscious. I want to catch the viewer's attention for a longer moment. I want to make him want to think, to contemplate." In 2005, the artist emigrated to Northern Ireland, where he lives to this day. Since 2010, he has been a member of the Libellule group, founded by Lukas Kandel.
