Żaneta Chłostowska-Szwaczka
First and last name
Żaneta Chłostowska-Szwaczka
Date of birth
1983, Zielona Góra

Żaneta Chłostowska-Szwaczka began her artistic education at the State Secondary School of Fine Arts in Zielona Góra, majoring in exhibition studies. She then continued her education at the Institute of Visual Arts, where in 2009 she defended her MA degree in painting at the University of Zielona Góra in Professor Jan Gawron's studio. The author has presented her works at individual and collective exhibitions, including the West Lancashire Annual Open Exhibition' (Great Britain), Tetlow (Germany), Jänschwalde (Germany), Artus Court Toruń and many others. She works in painting, mosaic and sculpture. Women are the dominant theme of her works.
