Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
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#ID 276
Author Unknown

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple | Artist: author unknown | 276

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Dimensions : 39.8 x 38.6 x 4 cm
Status: Gallery offer sold
Show room

Painting on a wooden base of a circular shape made at the beginning of the 19th century in Russia. Convex face of the painting, gilded border, with rocaille, carved in the same piece of wood. On the right-hand side, the figure of the priest Simeon with Jesus - a baby in his arms, behind them a flowing purple curtain. On the left, Maria and Józef. The painting comes from the iconostasis, in the second row representing the most important holidays - "prazdniki", which are also scenes from the lives of Mary and Jesus. H 39.8 cm, W 38.6 cm, D 4 cm.
