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Ancient painting: auctions and prices of the most important works of art

Art gallery - auctions of works, especially old paintings, is a fascinating world where history meets the contemporary art market. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the value of works of art sold at auctions, especially those from earlier eras.

Preparation for the auction is a key element of success. Potential buyers should carefully read the auction catalog, which contains detailed descriptions and value estimates. Estimates, i.e. forecasted market values, are often presented in the form of price ranges. You should also pay attention to the starting price, which is usually the starting point for bidding, and the guarantee price, which guarantees the sale at a certain minimum level. The auction process for works of art begins with setting a starting price, and interested collectors and investors begin to increase the price by submitting subsequent offers. Successive bidding increments, i.e. minimal increases in the amount, may range from several dozen to several hundred thousand zlotys in the case of the most valuable works. The winner is the one who offers the highest amount, and the transaction is finalized by the auctioneer with a blow of the hammer. Auction prices of old paintings reflect not only the artistic value of the work, but also its historical and cultural significance. For example, sacred paintings such as Leonardo da Vinci's "The Madonna of the Rocks" or Sandro Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus" reach record amounts due to their uniqueness and rarity on the market. It is worth remembering that investing in art requires knowledge and appropriate preparation, but it can bring significant profits and provide prestige and satisfaction from owning unique works.

Contemporary painting at auctions: trends and investments

Investing in contemporary painting has become one of the most fascinating trends on the art market, both in Poland and abroad. Gallery of paintings and works of art, art gallery - auctions of works not only provides aesthetic experiences, but also opens the door to potentially profitable investments. In 2023, the sale of contemporary art at auctions generated a total revenue of PLN 1.15 billion, which is an increase of 15% compared to the previous year. The main trends that are noticeable on the contemporary art auction market include theincrease in prices of works by young artists and the growing interest of private investors. Art gallery - auctions of works are not only the domain of stationary events. Online art auctions have gained popularity, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important for potential investors to carefully check theauction catalog and evaluate conditions such asreserve price,under the hammer and possible conduct. Understanding these concepts is crucial to successfully participating in the art market. To sum up, contemporary paintingat auctions is not only an opportunity to purchase unique works, but also a chance for a long-term investment. Thanks to tools such as online auction platforms, even novice collectors have the opportunity to participate in this dynamically developing market.

Young art: auctions of works by promising artists

Young art is gaining more and more attention on the art market, and auctions of works by promising artists are an excellent opportunity to invest in potentially valuable works. Participating in auctions offered byart galleriesand auction houses can not only enrich your collection, but also bring future profits. Gallery of paintings and works of art art gallery - auctions of works organize regular auctions during which you can get works by young, promising artists. Starting prices start from just a few thousand zlotys, which makes them available even to less affluent collectors. In order to bid effectively, it is worth reading the auction catalog in advance, which contains descriptions, price estimates and detailed information about the presented works. It is also important to know the auction rules, such as the starting price, the guarantee price and the reserve price. For example, if a painting has a starting bid of PLN 5,000, it may turn out that its reserve price is PLN 7,000, which means that the minimum acceptable bid must exceed this. Being aware of these rules will help you avoid potential disappointments when bidding. Auctions of young art are often held both in traditional stationary form and online. Thanks to the possibility of participating in online auctions, you can take part in auctions regardless of your place of residence, which is a convenient solution, especially in the context of the development of the COVID-19 pandemic. To sum up, art gallery - auctions of works is an excellent place to look for promising artists and valuable investments. Regardless of whether you are an experienced collector or just starting your adventure with art, young art auctions offer a unique opportunity to purchase future classics of contemporary art.

Icons at auctions: history and current market values

Auctions of religious icons have long attracted collectors and investors who appreciate both their artistic value and spiritual significance. The history of icon auctions dates back to the 18th century, when the first auction houses began to organize specialized events dedicated to these works. The contemporary icon auction market in Poland and around the world is constantly growing. Famous auction houses such as Sotheby's and Christie's regularly organize icon auctions, where starting prices often start from EUR 10,000, and the most valuable pieces reach up to several million euros. The market value of icons depends on many factors, such as age, condition, authorship and origin. For example, icons from Andrei Rublev's workshop can reach a market value of several dozen million zlotys, while lesser-known contemporary works start at several thousand zlotys. According to statistical data from 2022, the global market for religious icons has seen an increase in value of approximately 15%. Market analyzes also indicate the growing interest of collectors in icons from the Balkans and Caucasus, which are characterized by a unique style and rich symbolism. Icon auctions take place not only in traditional auction houses, but also online. The online auction significantly increases the availability of these works to a wide audience. People interested in investing in icons are advised to carefully read the auction catalog and consult an expert before bidding. Purchasing an icon can be both an excellent investment and an addition to your personal collection.

Sculptures: sculpture auctions and their importance on the art market

Sculpture auctions have become an integral part of the art market, bringing huge revenues and setting new trends. Picture and art galleries play a key role in organizing these events, attracting collectors from all over the world.

  • Auction of cabinet sculptures - small sculptural forms that fit perfectly into home interiors are becoming more and more popular. An example is the auction from May 2022 in Warsaw, where starting prices started from PLN 5,000, and some of them reached significant amounts, reaching up to PLN 50,000.
  • Garden sculptures - larger artistic works intended for outdoor spaces. Auction organized annually in Kielce as part of

Statistical data indicate that art gallery auctions of works, including sculptures, have become popular not only in Poland, but also on foreign markets. The growing number of auctions and increasing transaction amounts indicate stable investor interest in this segment of the art market. To successfully participate in sculpture auctions, it is worth learning a few key rules: Preparation before the auction:

  • Analyze the auction catalog - it contains not only a list of works offered, but also their starting prices and estimates.
  • Determine your financial limits - knowing your own financial capabilities will help you avoid impulsive decisions.

During the auction:

  • Be present at live auctions or use online auction platforms such as mobile apps.
  • Track increments - minimum amounts by which the bid can be increased during bidding.

Sculptures at auction can also be treated as a serious investment. The increase in the value of works of art, including sculptures, is not a rare phenomenon. Therefore, it is worth following events such as upcoming auctions of young art or exhibitions in Gdańsk, Warsaw or Kielce to stay up to date with the latest trends and investment opportunities. To sum up,art gallery - auctions of sculptural works have a significant impact on the art market, bringing large profits and setting new directions in collecting and investing in art. Sculpture art, both in the home and in the garden, is gaining in importance, which is visible both in the financial results of auctions and in the growing interest of collectors.

Asian art at auctions: values ​​and popularity

Asian art is gaining more and more popularity at international auctions, and its market value is increasing every year. These works, including paintings, sculptures, prints and ceramics, attract the attention of collectors and investors from around the world. In 2022, at an auction in New York, sales of Asian works exceeded USD 350 million, which shows the great interest in this market segment. One of the reasons for the growing popularity of Asian art is its unique aesthetic and symbolic values. Traditional Chinese or Japanese paintings often reflect deep spiritual and philosophical meanings, which attracts collectors looking for something more than just decoration. For example, at auctions we will find works inspired by Zen philosophy, as well as Buddhist sacred sculptures that have a permanent place in galleries and museums. It is also worth paying attention to the geographical locations where Asian art is particularly appreciated. Before bidding, it is worth reading a few practical tips:

  • Knowledge of the artist's work: Studying the artist's biography and analyzing entire cycles of work can significantly increase the chances of a successful purchase.
  • Financial preparation: Establishing a budget and the maximum amount you are willing to spend will help you avoid overspending during exciting auctions.
  • Market analysis: Checking market statistics and previous sales prices for similar works can help you realistically assess the value of a given work.

Specific stages of bidding in the auction house are also worth emphasizing. Using the example of the Warsaw "gallery of paintings and works of art - art gallery - auctions of works", we can notice that the start of the auction is often preceded by a detailed presentation of the exhibits, which allows potential buyers to better assess their condition and authenticity. The Asian art market not only adds exotic color to your collection, but also represents an investment with real growth potential. Regardless of whether you are an experienced collector or a novice in the world of auctions, it is worth following upcoming art auctions and expanding your knowledge on this fascinating topic.

Coin collections and medals: auctions and prices of numismatics


Collecting coins and medals is very popular among numismatics enthusiasts. Modern numismatic auctions take place both in traditional auction houses and in the form of online auctions. It is worth paying attention to several key aspects that can help you effectively participate in these events. Market value and starting prices - Numismatic auctions usually start with the starting price set by the auction house. For example, starting prices for popular coins can range from PLN 500 to even PLN 50,000 for extremely rare pieces. Average prices of denominations from the Polish People's Republic range from PLN 1,000 to PLN 3,000. Investment value - At numismatic auctions you can often find unique pieces that increase in value over the years. An example is a rare Polish penny from the 16th century, which at one of the last auctions reached a sales price of over PLN 100,000. Preparation for bidding - Before bidding, it is worth studying the auction catalog, which provides detailed information about the items for sale. The catalog contains technical descriptions, emission history and estimated market values. Online bidding - In the era of digitalization, more and more auctions are taking place online. In Poland, a popular place for bidding on coins is a gallery of paintings and works of art, which allows you to participate in live auctions via video streaming. It is worth installing the appropriate mobile application and creating an account to be able to participate in such events from anywhere. Fees and commissions - It is worth remembering that the auction house commission may be added to the price of the auctioned coins. In Poland, it usually ranges from 10% to 15% of the transaction value. Additional costs may also include certification or transportation fees. Market quotations - Monitoring current market quotations is crucial to make informed purchases. It is worth using current market reports and analyzing possible price trends. For example, over the last five years, silver coin prices have increased by an average of 15% per year. To sum up, participating in numismatic auctions requires preparation and knowledge of the market. Using resources such as auction catalogues, quotations analysis and the selection of appropriate online tools can significantly increase the chances of successful transactions and valuable investments.


Added 2024-07-11 in by SEM ASSISTANT