Oskar Rabin, the Russian painter, died a fortnight ago in Florence. He was 90 years old. He was known in the art world as a master of the avant-garde. The painter created primarily abstract art.
His work was about the post-war world and especially the Stalinist period. These works contributed to his expulsion from the University of Moscow. Together with other Russian painters, he founded the Lianozovo group, which was active near the railway where he worked. In many of his works, the artist showed his barracks, where he lived with his wife Valentina. The landscapes, buildings and also everyday objects (wine bottles) referred to his expressionist style, especially fashionable in the 1920s. Later, he added collage to his paintings. The painter was known for depicting a slightly distorted world.
Sources: Artnet, Saatchitgallery, Onet