
Art is suitable for everyone, although some people find it difficult to interpret. The diversity of the artworks is so great that anyone who wants to commune with them can commune with them. How are artworks interpreted? What to pay attention to when you want to understand the artist's intentions?

What is a artwork?

A artwork is an artistic creation with a specific sense. A artwork is characterized by high aesthetic value and can also fulfill other functions (e.g. applied art). It has a comprehensive and synthetic character that allows for its specific interpretation by the audience. The creator of the artwork is a man who, based on his sensitivity, values ​​and ideas, shows various phenomena in the form of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, posters, etc.

Works of art are part of the cultural heritage of every civilization. It includes both traditional forms of artistic expression and new media. Innovative works and contemporary art make use of comic books, computer graphics, video animation, cyborg art and many other techniques. Thanks to this, the art is diverse, and its interpretation allows you to look at many phenomena from a completely different perspective.

What to consider when interpreting a artwork?

The interpretation of a artwork is never unequivocal, as each viewer can see something completely different in a given artistic form. Art provides space for discussion and reflection, therefore no author should impose the only correct interpretation of its message. When reading the creator's intentions, however, several aspects should be taken into account that will make it possible to look at the artwork in a way that allows for understanding its character.

The interpretation of the artwork should take into account the information about the author himself. It is important to check in which period he was creating and what style he presented. Thanks to this, you will understand why he presents the world and various phenomena in a certain way. The very context of the creation of the artwork is also important. Artists often create under the influence of emotions that accompany them at a given moment in their lives. The death of a loved one, the outbreak of war, a natural disaster or other unexpected event means that the seemingly peaceful landscape and idyllic view may hide nostalgia, sadness and a great tragedy behind it. Interpretation should also take into account the technique of performing the work and the content it contains: composition, colors, theme and mood. A holistic view of the work of art gives the opportunity to fully understand the author's intentions and assess whether he managed to convey what he intended using the chosen artistic form.

Added 2022-07-14 in by Łukasz Kuca