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Agnieszka Sterne
First and last name
Agnieszka Sterne
Date of birth
1960, Warsaw

Agnieszka Sterne is a trained landscape architect, having graduated in 1986 from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. She has been designing and arranging gardens for several years, and is currently pursuing her passion for creation and love of nature through painting. She paints on canvas using acrylic paints. She often experiments with the impasto technique, applying thick layers of paint with a spatula or straight from the tube. Form and colour are important to her, and she is inspired by the surrounding nature, but also by photographs and paintings by other artists. In her work, colour and form dominate over the deeper meaning of the image. When creating her works, she rarely designs them beforehand; as a rule, she starts with an idea and then, step by step, the painting guides the artist herself.

Solo exhibitions:

October 2022 - Small Gallery of the Lending Library No. 125 of the Warsaw District Public Library - Mokotow;

April 2023 - House of Art Gallery - Warsaw, 14 Wiolinowa Street; October 2023 - Atelier Klitka - Warsaw, 18 Stalowa Street.
