Edyta Szalewska
First and last name
Edyta Szalewska
Date of birth
1995, Starogard Gdański

Edyta Szalewska is a Polish artist specialising in chamber sculpture. Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, annex in the studio of Medalierstwo and Small Sculptural Forms.
She has been involved in sculpture for more than 15 years and discovered her passion for artistic metal casting already during her education at the Secondary Art School in Gdynia. Her works, often dealing with difficult themes of relationships, emotions and mental health, are a form of therapy and an expression of her personal experiences. 
Thanks to her original approach to sculpture, the artist has gained recognition in the art world. She has received many awards in the field of small sculptural forms, such as GRAND PRIX at the 1st Biennial of Medal Making in Warsaw or Honorable Mention in the "Small Sculptural Form" category at the 5th Student Biennial of Small Sculptural Forms named after Professor Józef Kopczyński in Poznań. She is the author of the design for the 'Medal of Gratitude of the Polish Scouting Association' medal of honour. Her works have been presented at exhibitions both in Poland and abroad, including Germany and Japan. Edyta's works can be found in art galleries and private collections worldwide.
