Henryk Płóciennik
First and last name
Henryk Płóciennik
Date of birth
1933, Łódź
Date of death
2020, Łódź

Henryk Płóciennik is a Polish painter, draughtsman and graphic artist, including an author of ex-librises. An outstanding artist, despite his lack of academic training.  In the 1950s, he created posters for the International Press and Book Club. From 1962 he was a member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers. He received more than 40 awards and distinctions in many competitions in Poland and abroad (including Canada, Japan, France and the United States). In 2020, he was awarded the Gold Medal ,,Meritorious for Culture Gloria Artis". All National Museums in Poland possess his works. Plóciennik is best known for his drawing nudes, prints, including monotypes, and paintings on canvas - abstract compositions. 
