Krzysztof Pająk
First and last name
Krzysztof Pająk
Date of birth
1956, Warsaw

Krzysztof Pająk graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw; he obtained his diploma with honours in the graphic design studio of Prof. Roman Duszek and in the painting studios of Prof. Jan Dziędziora and Prof. Jacek Sempoliński (1984). 

He is the co-creator of the visual communication project for the Hospital of the Polish Mother's Memorial Health Centre in Łódź, a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Culture and Art (1985), winner of the Talens Prize (2005), winner of one of the three main prizes of the 1st Warsaw Festival of Artistic Photography, WFFA'05 (2005) He is also the author of more than 45 individual exhibitions, e.g. in Elbląg, Warsaw, Włocławek, Cologne, Munchengladbach, and participant in more than 300 collective exhibitions.
