Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
First and last name
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
Date of birth
1885, Warsaw
Date of death
1939, Jeziory

Witkacy, actually Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, was a Polish writer, painter, philosopher, playwright and photographer. The artist's first teacher was his father: a painter, architect, writer, creator of the Zakopane style. At the Kraków Academy of Fine Arts he studied under Jan Stanisławski and Józef Mehoffer. He specialised in creating portraits, in which he showed the psychological depth of the person depicted or a stylised mask (in the case of distant people). He created the theory of pure form. His most famous literary works include the novel Pożegnanie jesieni (Farewell to Autumn) and the drama Szewcy (The Cobblers).
