Joanna Abra
First and last name
Joanna Abra
Date of birth
1986, Warsaw

Joanna Abra lives and creates in Warsaw. The artist discovered her passion for creating at the age of 30. She develops her skills in private lessons and by working on her workshop on her own. In 2022 she made her debut on the domestic art market.

She mainly works with easel paintings in oil, but also experiments with other creative techniques. Her works are realistic, tending towards magic realism and surrealism, from which she draws most inspiration. Strong contrasts and saturated colours are evident in the realisation of artistic concepts, as is her love of the cosmos and the objects within it. Both the night and day sky, together with the wealth of phenomena occurring in it, very often form the main subject or an important context for the subject presented. The cityscape is a motif eagerly taken up by the artist, and she most often portrays her beloved Warsaw. She also creates from her imagination, constructing somewhat mysterious, undefined spaces that are somewhere outside of time and governed by their own laws. In her paintings, she tries to combine the earthly material world with the spiritual, the intangible, beyond sensory experience and logical analysis.
